Mâwandônan Consulting
Gathering Your Workplace Together
Mâwandônan Consulting provides services in the following areas:
Needs Assessment & Program Evaluation
Through consultation and an interview/focus group process, we will identify areas or issues that require interventions. If the best intervention is education we will work to design a workshop that will address this need. If the intervention is more effectively brought about by policy, we will work with the managers - who will ultimately implement the policy - and design a solution that is uniquely suited for your company.
Research & Consulting
In a fast, ever-changing workplace there is a constant need to explore, evaluate and encourage productive innovation. Many organizations lack the resources to investigate and research future options. Other times it is more feasible or proper for an external consultant to conduct the research and provide findings. Mâwandônan Consulting brings together a number of resources for conducting such research and consultation.
Diversity Training
There is an ever-increasing diversity in the workplace – this is a natural progression as it reflects the change in demographics and attitudes in society-at-large. For this reason we offer training in:
- Cross Cultural Communication
- Aboriginal Awareness
- Men and Women in the Workplace
- People with Disabilities
Workplace Effectiveness
Mâwandônan Consulting offers a wide range of workshops and services to develop skills and equip employees with the knowledge to enhance their workplace effectiveness. Some of the focus areas that Mâwandônan Consulting can deliver for your company include:
- Aboriginal Consultation (Duty to Consult)
- Negotiating a Consultation Agreement
- Engaging Aboriginal People
- Interpersonal Communication Skills
- Effective Working Relationships
- Conflict Resolution Skills
- Basics of Consulting
- Leadership Development
- Train the Trainer
Personal Effectiveness
Mâwandônan Consulting provides a variety of workshops that address the area of personal effectiveness to ensure the optimal performance of your company, including:
- Time Management
- Stress Management
Home of Mâwandônan Consulting
Clayton Desjarlais, MA
Clayton has been the owner of Mâwandônan Consulting since 1996, and has experience delivering seminars and workshops coupled with extensive research experience. Prior to consulting, Clayton held the position of Sessional Lecturer and Research Assistant at the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College. As a Status Indian and through his activities with the Association of Métis and Non-Status Indians of Saskatchewan (AMNSIS) while it was in existence, he is acutely aware of the issues faced by Aboriginal people in Saskatchewan. Clayton's workshops cover diverse subjects such as: Aboriginal Awareness; Diversity Training; Communication Skills; Team Building; Aboriginal Issues; Conflict Resolution; Leadership Development; Consulting For Success; Stress Management; Time Management, Change Management, Aboriginal Consultation and Negotiating a Consultation Agreement. Clayton has also been involved in the Assessment of Organizational Training Programs and has worked on projects involving the Regional Bilateral Agreements between Human Resources Development Canada, the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations. Clayton has done an employment needs assessment for SaskFerco related to the issues and needs of increasing that corporation’s Aboriginal workforce. The project included conducting focus groups, collecting data, doing an extensive analysis, and completing a report with recommendations. Clayton has also been contracted by Kikinahk Friendship Centre in LaRonge to do a Facilities Review. The project included evaluating Kikinahk Board meeting minutes; designing and conducting focus groups and submitting a final report with short-term and long-term recommendations. Clayton has completed a project with ISC to facilitate a number of focus-groups including a submission of findings. Clayton was contracted to write a Representative Workforce Strategy workshop booklet for the Provincial Government. Clayton was then asked to facilitate training sessions for Provincial Government facilitators so they could present this workshop to a number of organizations.
Mâwandônan Consulting’s philosophy has always been that the best reason for organizations to embrace diversity is that it is good business. When an organization desires to meet the needs of its customers, and to strengthen its workforce, then diversity becomes the catalyst to meaningful cultural change.
Clayton’s Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and Master of Arts are in the area of Indian Studies. His area of research is the Amendment to the Indian Act and band membership codes in Saskatchewan. Clayton is a member of the Cowessess First Nation and a resident of Regina, Saskatchewan.